Significant Results: Q1 2022

The Concord Coalition to End Homelessness is excited to report that in the first quarter of 2022, eleven individuals experiencing long-term homelessness in Concord secured housing. This result is significantly above CCEH’s expectations.
In CCEH’s “Paths Toward Housing Solutions,” which is a practical approach to the most viable paths to house people experiencing homelessness, we estimated that ten long-term homeless individuals would be housed in all of 2022.
CCEH attributes this early success to our investment in staff time to create, document, and maintain a database of individuals experiencing long-term homelessness, which includes tracking individuals that successfully attain housing.
These eleven individuals secured housing through the two paths, “Build Relationships with Existing Landlords” and “Creative Solutions Including Programs with Other Agencies.”
A big thank you to all of our supporters for helping CCEH end homelessness in our community!