Our Emergency Winter Shelter is located at 238 N. Main Street, Concord, NH.
The shelter will open for the 2024-2025 winter season on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6:30pm.

Emergency Winter Shelter
CCEH operates a 40-bed capacity Emergency Winter Shelter at 238 N. Main Street in Concord.
The Emergency Winter Shelter is open 7 nights a week from December through March. The shelter is a “low barrier” shelter that serves adults, including those with active addictions and felony convictions, so that those in need can sleep inside during dangerously cold winter months.
Guests can arrive on the property at 6PM and must leave the property by 7AM each morning. The entrance to the Shelter is behind our Resource Center Building on Main Street.
Due to the limited number of beds, this shelter is intended to serve people experiencing homelessness who already reside in the greater Concord area.
If you need more information about being a guest at our Emergency Winter Shelter, please call: (603) 290-3375 ext. 203